๐Ÿš€ Automate Advanced XSS with XSStrike and Dalfox โš™๏ธ


In the realm of cybersecurity, mastering XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks is a pivotal skill. Today, we embark on a journey to solve labs crafted by the renowned Bortis Wigger, using advanced tools to automate and elevate XSS attacks. Our arsenal includes DalFox, XSStrike, and BurpSuite, each offering unique capabilities to streamline our penetration testing prowess. Let's delve into the intricacies of these tools and unlock the secrets to efficient XSS automation.



go install github.com/hahwul/dalfox/v2@latest

Goal: Install DaleFox to perform advanced XSS scanning and detection.


dalfox [mode] [target] [flags]


Example Usage

Single target mode:

dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?cat\=123\&artist\=123\&asdf\=ff \
	-b https://your-callback-url

This command scans a single target URL for XSS vulnerabilities.


Multiple target mode from file:

dalfox file urls_file --custom-payload ./mypayloads.txt

This command scans multiple URLs from a file for XSS vulnerabilities using custom payloads.


Pipeline mode:

cat urls_file | dalfox pipe -H "AuthToken: bbadsfkasdfadsf87"

This command processes URLs from a file in a pipeline, with additional headers specified.



git clone https://github.com/s0md3v/XSStrike.git
cd XSStrike
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 xsstrike.py

Goal: Set up XSS Strike to automate XSS testing and identification.



python3 xsstrike.py [-h] [-u TARGET] [--data DATA] [-t THREADS] [--seeds SEEDS] [--json] [--path] [--fuzzer] [--update] [--timeout] [--params] [--crawl] [--blind] [--skip-dom] [--headers] [--proxy] [-d DELAY] [-e ENCODING]


Example Usage

Scan a single URL:

python3 xsstrike.py -u "http://example.com/search.php?q=query"

This command tests a single webpage using the GET method.


Supplying POST data:

python3 xsstrike.py -u "http://example.com/search.php" --data "q=query"

This command tests a URL with specified POST data.


python3 xsstrike.py -u "http://example.com/page.php" --crawl

This command initiates a crawling process starting from the target webpage.




As we wrap up our exploration into XSS automation and advanced SQL techniques, we unveil the power of DalFox, XSStrike, and BurpSuite in fortifying our security strategies. Remember, continuous learning and hands-on experience are the keys to mastering cybersecurity challenges. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and keep honing your skills to stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.

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